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Feature Spotlight: Duplicate Detection in Crypta AI Platform

The challenge of identifying duplicates in literature monitoring for pharmacovigilance is significant. Unmanaged duplicates can lead to rework and inconsistent recording of safety events.

This blog explores the impact of duplicate results from literature searches and introduces automatic duplicate detection in the Crypta AI Platform, helping medical literature monitoring teams improve result quality without sacrificing productivity.

Why duplicates matter in medical literature monitoring:

Duplicates can arise due to:

  • Authors publishing the same article in different venues (pre-prints, conference proceedings, journals).

  • Publishers distributing articles to multiple databases at different times.

Duplicates cause extra screening and QC efforts, leading to potential reporting errors and regulatory non-compliance. They also hinder broad, comprehensive searches, slowing down the detection of relevant events.

The impact of duplicate detection in medical literature monitoring for pharmacovigilance:

The results showed 20-29% duplicates. Including multiple sources increases duplicates but also adds valuable unique articles.

Handling duplicates in Crypta AI Platform:

Crypta AI employs several approaches for high-accuracy duplicate detection:

  • Document Object Identifier (DOI): Utilizes unique DOIs from source metadata for duplicate detection.

  • Content Similarity: Uses machine learning to detect duplicates even without DOIs by evaluating content similarity.

  • False Positive Protection: Ensures relevance with additional checks on abstract content and title signatures.

Routine risk control measures are used to maintain high-quality results.

Using duplicate detection for faster medical literature screening:

Crypta AI Platform offers:

  • Automatic detection of duplicate articles.

  • A separate tab for pre-screened duplicates.

  • Full traceability and visibility of duplicate decisions.

  • Support for periodic searches and detection of duplicates published on different dates.


Maximizing the use of available scientific literature is crucial for detecting safety events and risks. However, duplicates can burden safety surveillance teams. Crypta AI Platform uses advanced automatic duplicate detection techniques, eliminating manual handling of duplicates and delivering productivity and quality benefits with high accuracy.

About Crypta AI:

Crypta is a comprehensive literature screening platform designed for pharmacovigilance, medical device, and veterinary vigilance teams. Its flexible workflow, unified global scientific database—including local journals—and unique AI productivity features provide fast, cost-effective, and fully traceable results for any screening needs. Teams can save up to 70% of their time and collaborate efficiently across departments.

Interested to know more about Crypta AI? Book for a demo!


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