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How Gen AI is used in Crypta for Literature Review and Monitoring?

Updated: Aug 22


In an era where data-driven insights are pivotal for advancing medical research and ensuring patient safety, Crypta emerges as a groundbreaking Literature Review and Monitoring Platform. Leveraging state-of-the-art Generative AI, Crypta is designed to streamline and automate critical processes in pharmacovigilance and medical literature management. Its innovative capabilities have positioned it as a leading tool in the industry, offering a comprehensive solution that enhances efficiency, accuracy, and compliance.

Key Achievements

Crypta is a testament to the power of Generative AI in transforming the landscape of literature review and monitoring. The platform boasts a range of advanced features that address the complexities of managing and analyzing vast amounts of literature data. The following are the key achievements of Crypta:

  1. Automated Import of Literature Articles :

    Crypta simplifies the process of data acquisition by automatically importing relevant literature articles. This feature ensures that the latest research and publications are always at the users' fingertips, eliminating the need for manual data collection.

  2. Automated ICSR Detection :

    The platform excels in identifying Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) within vast datasets, significantly reducing the time required for safety monitoring. Crypta's AI-driven detection ensures high accuracy and relevance, minimizing the risk of missing critical safety data.

  3. Auto-Generation of Summary of Analysis :

    Crypta's Generative AI capability allows for the automatic generation of comprehensive summaries. These summaries provide concise and insightful overviews of complex datasets, enabling quicker decision-making and reporting.

  4. Automated Translation of Abstracts and Full-Text Articles :

    With multilingual support, Crypta offers automated translation of both abstracts and full-text articles, breaking down language barriers and making global literature accessible to users. This feature ensures inclusivity and expands the scope of literature reviews.

  5. Automated Highlighting of Key Details :

    Crypta automatically highlights essential details such as product names, adverse events, patient information, and reporter details within articles. These intelligent highlighting speeds up the review process and enhances the accuracy of data extraction.

  6. Automated Duplicate Check :

    The platform includes an advanced duplicate detection feature, which automatically identifies and flags duplicate entries, ensuring data integrity and reducing redundancy in literature reviews.

  7. Comprehensive Literature Review Support :

    Crypta supports both Global and Local Literature Reviews, providing users with a robust framework for comprehensive data analysis. The platform's flexibility allows for tailored reviews that meet the specific needs of different regulatory environments.

  8. Highly Customizable Workflows :

    Recognizing the diverse requirements of its users, Crypta offers highly customizable workflows. These workflows can be tailored to fit specific organizational needs, ensuring seamless integration into existing processes.

  9. Multilingual Support :

    Crypta's multilingual capabilities extend beyond translation, providing full platform support in multiple languages. This feature is critical for global teams and ensures that the platform can be effectively utilized in diverse linguistic environments.

  10. Audit Trail and 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance :

Compliance with regulatory standards is a cornerstone of Crypta's design. The platform includes a comprehensive audit trail feature and adheres to 21 CFR Part 11 regulations, ensuring that all actions are traceable and that the platform meets the stringent requirements of the pharmaceutical industry.


Crypta's innovative application of Generative AI in literature review and monitoring has set a new standard in the industry. By automating complex processes, enhancing data accuracy, and ensuring regulatory compliance, Crypta not only improves operational efficiency but also contributes to the broader goal of advancing patient safety and medical research.

If you are interested to know more about Crypta, please book a Demo!


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